There are total of four year programs of Engineering.Given below are some of the rules and circular about mumbai university for engineering.
1) What is ATKT?
ans: ATKT is a situation where you failed to score the passing marks of the required subject
(32 out of 80) and (24 out of 60).
2)What do i do when i get a ATKT?
ans: If you think you have written the paper well and deserve more marks you put it for revaluation and photocopy of that respective subject. If you knew you were going to flunk then you study hard the next time.
3)How many KT’s are allowed to get admitted in next year?
ans: Maximum 8, that includes your 5 theory paper and 3 internal exams (viva/practicals/unit test). You can fail in all the subjects from semester 1 and still sit for semester 2, no rules are applicable to the number of KT’s you can carry from one semester to another.
4)What is a golden KT?
ans: You cannot carry a 1st year KT to 3rd year. You cannot carry 2nd year KT to 4th year. Your 4th semester will be your last chance to clear all your 1st year KT (this last chance, or a 1st year KT carried to 4th semester is known as Golden KT). Similarly your 6th semester will be your last chance to clear your second year KT.
5)What happens if you have more than 5 KT’s before getting admitted into next year?
ans: You face a drop. You could put your papers for revaluation and take provisional admission.
6) What is provisional admission?
ans: A situation where you are allowed to sit for lectures despite a drop without paying entire fees. You usually pay an amount of Rs. 500/- or so.You should not have more than 8 KT’s overall, that includes your theory paper and internal exams. To take provisional admission you need to submit the proof of eligibility to the admission office of your college.
7) What to do when you have only 1 KT throughout 1,2,3 and 4 sem and that doesn't get clear in your golden attempt and you have to face a drop?
ans:First of all always apply for revaluation and photocopy if you get a KT in any subject.After getting photocopy go to your college to crosscheck your marks by checking that paper from your respective subject teacher and if your sir/mam tell you that you can pass then take their signature on your photocopy(they will not give you signature but request them) and then go to mumbai university if and only if when there is a mistake while checking your paper (not with your marks) i.e. if there is any question left to check in your answer sheet then you must go for applying for grievances your paper will check again.If all the answers are check that you have written in your paper then you can't apply for grievances telling them marks are not given properly they will deny your request on the spot.
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